Zach Winters Zach Winters - And The Little Child

And the wolf will lay down with the lamb
And the leopard shall lie down with young goats
And the calf and the lion, fatted calf
And the cow and the bear shall graze together
And the little child
And the little child
And the little child shall lead them, shall lead them

And the lion and ox shall eat the hay
And the nursing baby will play
Over the holes of the cobras, adder’s dens
And they’ll never do harm on my mountain
And the little child
And the little child
And the little child shall lead them, shall lead them

Go wait for my young [?]
Go wait for my young [?]
Go wait for my

There shall come forth a shoot from Jesse’s stump
And the branch from the roots will bear fruit
And the Spirit of God shall rest on him
In might and fear of the Lord and wisdom

And his delight will be in the fear of the Lord
And right judgment
And he will bring peace
And under his reign the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the water covers the sea

Go wait for my young [?]
Go wait for my young [?]
Go wait for my