Zach Winters Zach Winters - Canto 18-34 (Eighth Circle B)

Down the waterfall Dante throws a rope
And the mythical beast-king of Spain
Named Geryon bids them to ride on his back

Dante mounts the great shoulders of the freak
They spiral around at a sickening pace
Through a black, empty space
Look how pale Dante’s face is
Until the hit bottom

Who is in the 8th Circle?
Who is in the 8th Circle?
Who is in the 8th Circle?
Who is in the 8th Circle?

Looking across and down, Dante sees
Like an amphitheatre, a series of concentric pits
Each of the ten is like a pouch, called a Bolgia
Filled with sinners not eager to display their countenances
The Fraudulent and Malicious